03/05/2024, 1:27 AM

One of the most destructive elements to a house is water damage. For every fifty homeowners, one will submit a claim for water damage every year. Water pouring out from a ruptured main or seeping from a loose fitting or gasket can destroy the interior of a house. Anytime there is unwanted water in your home that can’t be cleaned with a towel or two, you realize that you need help. But who should you call? What is the difference between plumbing and restoration services? To help you figure out if plumbing, restoration or both services are needed, we’ll break it down.

While restoration and plumbing services complement each other, they are vastly different. The most significant difference is the extent of the damage and the seriousness of the situation. Typical plumbing issues, such as a leaking toilet seal or a clogged pipe can be fixed within a few hours. But mold remediation, damaged drywall, or problems with a flooded basement can be more challenging to remedy and take much longer to fix. It’s important to act quickly as soon as you discover a problem but the first thing you should do is stop and take a breath. Assess the problem and figure out what’s happened. It’s quite possible you need more help than a plumber can provide. That is when a restoration company can step in.


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